Sunday, June 24, 2012

Summer Spontaneity

Spontaneity. It's not a word that's often used in my vocabulary, or my life, but I'm willing to give it a shot.  I can honestly say the only time I was ever remotely spontaneous was before I had a baby. After Kylee I feel like my life is all about planning and organizing, and if something doesn't go my way then it's as if I'm a volcano exploding. It's childish, I know, and I'm changing that.  I don't know if It's the 90+ degree heat getting to my head, or if I'm just getting older and wiser but I'm ready to start ENJOYING my life, not rushing it all away. If that means trading bath night out for a quick dip in the pool, or really taking a chance to ACTUALLY stop and smell the flowers, then bring it on :) Summer spontaneity here we come!
*oh and heres some pics from our weekend :) enjoy!*

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